Khalisha flower honey: An amazing sugar substitute
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Khalisha flower honey is directly collected from Sundarban under own supervision. With no additive or preservative.

Benefits of Khalisha Honey:

1. Alleviates Allergies :
Khalisha honey contains small amounts of pollen, which if the body is exposed to small amounts of it, it can trigger an immune response that produces antibodies to the pollen.

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  • 2. All-Natural Energy Drink :
    Khalisha honey is an excellent source of all-natural energy at just 17 grams of carbohydrates per tablespoon. This natural unprocessed sugar — fructose and glucose — directly enter the bloodstream and can deliver a quick boost of energy. The rise in blood sugar acts as a short-term energy source for your workout, especially in longer endurance exercises.

    3.Boosts Memory:
    Khalisha honey helps to boost memory

    4.Cough Suppressant:
    Taking Khalisha honey with lemon juice and ginger juice helps by suppressing cough.

    5.Sleep Aid:
    Khalisha honey helps to sleep well.

    6.Khalisha honey contains Nutrients:
    Khalisha honey is a thick, sweet liquid made by honeybees. It is low in vitamins and minerals but may be high in some plant compounds. It contains virtually no fiber, fat or protein.

    Khalisha honey Is Rich in Antioxidants:
    Khalisha honey contains a number of antioxidants, including phenolic compounds like flavonoids.
    Khalisha honey Also Helps Improve Good Cholesterol:
    Khalisha honey seems to have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. It leads to modest reductions in total and “bad” LDL cholesterol while raising “good” HDL cholesterol.
    Khalisha Honey Can Lower Triglycerides and saves Heart:
    Elevated triglycerides are a risk factor for heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Several studies show that Khalisha honey can lower triglyceride levels, especially when used as a sugar substitute.
    honey for asthma treatment

    Khalisha Honey Promotes Burn and Wound Healing:
    When applied to the skin, Khalisha honey can be part of an effective treatment plan for burns, wounds and many other skin conditions. It is particularly effective for diabetic foot ulcers.
    Khalisha honey has been utilized for its medicinal properties for over 2,000 years and continues its legacy as a multipurpose health aid.
    Strengthen the immune system:
    Khalisha honey strengthens the immune system.
    Restrict cancer cell growth
    Helps fight off harmful bacteria
    Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties

Usage For Babies:
For babies under 1 year, it is advised to take extra measure before giving them Khalisha honey, it should be mixed with water and be given a very small amount as a lot of babies have a sensitive stomach.

For Diabetic Patients:
Though Khalisha honey is a natural alternative to sugar, it has natural fructose and sugar, which is why it should be consumed a little amount a day for the Diabetic patient. And it’s better to consult with a doctor before consuming honey for the diabetic patient.
6 surprising health benefits of honey 136426474967702601 180416092019

1 Comment

  1. Benazir Mostafa June 15, 2020 Reply

    I want to order this Honey 🍯 bottle 2 pis

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