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Have you Heard of moringa? If not, here it is!

This strange-sounding leaf powder supplement is one of the latest superfoods to gain the limelight — and for good reason. Moringa boasts a powerhouse of free-radical-fighting, anti-inflammatory, and healing compounds that benefit your heart, head, skin, and more.

Moringa, a nutrient-packed plant found in Bangladesh, is also known as the “Miracle tree.” With antifungal, antiviral, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory properties, it has been used for generations to treat skin, digestive, and heart conditions, to name a few. And it possesses more antioxidants than other superfoods like acai and green tea.
Moringa Powder

Here’s a quick guide to what moringa can bring to your health, and how to best use this powerful little plant-

Nutrition Property:

Moringa gets its superfood status from a rich nutrition profile, providing more nutrients per gram than many other plant species. Moringa is also high in protein, and contains an impressive 8 of the 9 essential amino acids, a rare trait in plant-based proteins. Its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant compounds help protect your performance and strengthen your body against a wide variety of diseases.

Moringa Benefits:


  • Lowers blood sugar and protect against Diabetes
  • Maintains healthy blood sugar levels: In studies, moringa helps prevent sugar spikes after meals and reduces fasting blood sugar levels in both diabetic and non-diabetic animals. Maintaining healthy blood sugar is key to reducing inflammation, boosting your mood, and preventing heart disease and diabetes. Other antioxidants in moringa help protect insulin-producing cells from damaging oxidative stress.
  • Prevents weight gain: Reducing blood sugar, inflammation, and oxidative stress can all help prevent unwanted weight gain.
  • UTIs and stomach bugs:  Incorporating moringa in your diet can help boost your resilience against blood or digestive bacterial infections.
  • Moringa fights cancer and triggers cell death
  • Enhances cancer therapy: Moringa may play an exciting role in treating cancer, and enhancing cancer treatments such as chemotherapy. Moringa leaves pack a potent dose of antioxidants, compounds that ward off cancers by neutralizing free-radicals that can damage cells and DNA to trigger tumor development.
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    Defends against cognitive decline: Another benefit of moringa’s high antioxidant content is its ability to protect your brain tissue against neurodegeneration and damage. Moringa leaf extract may be valuable in treating memory-related disorders such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • Protect your kidneys and liver: Certain compounds present in moringa help to protect your kidney and liver against toxins or drug exposure. Moringa’s high antioxidant content and ability to detoxify heavy metals make it an ideal supplement for supporting kidney and liver health.

Strengthens skin and hair

    • Hydrates skin: Pressed from seeds and leaves, this vitamin and antioxidant-rich powder makes an excellent skin cleanser, hydrating moisturizer or hair treatment.
    • Fights wrinkles & sagging skin: High vitamin C levels help boost natural collagen production and protect your skin from oxidative stress, fighting off wrinkles, sagging and sun damage.
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    Keeps skin clear
    : and its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties can also help clear skin problems such as acne or blackheads.
  • Heals wounds: Moringa powder also helps heal wounds and skin damage by promoting the growth and movement of fibroblasts, the cells responsible for producing collagen in wound healing.

How to Take:

In our country, moringa leaves are dried and ground, sold as a powder or as supplements. You can add moringa powder to your smoothies or soups, or use it as a tea. It does have a mild asparagus-like flavor, so expect it to taste “healthy.”

Start out with 1/2 to 1 Tablespoon of moringa powder daily.

Face mask– Mix 1 spoon Moringa powder with water/milk and apply on face for 15 minutes for glowy healthy skin .
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In high doses, moringa can have a laxative effect, so (like any supplement!) watch to see what changes you notice in your body.

Moringa side effects

While moringa is generally safe and beneficial to add you your diet, it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor if you plan to use moringa to treat any specific disease. This is especially true if you are trying to conceive, or taking other medications. Not much research exists on the safety of moringa while pregnant, but moringa leaves have long been used as a traditional remedy to enhance breast milk production after giving birth.[28]

Be careful combining moringa with other medications that may that may mimic the same effects, such as blood sugar or blood pressure reducers, as moringa can add to these effects. Lastly, because moringa is such a rich source of iron, take care to avoid overdosing on this mineral.


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